I usually don't post Catrice press releases (also because their products are not so easy to find in my area, unless I go to a certain mall...or cross the border and go shopping in Slovenia), but I really liked the packaging of these ones and I wanted to share at least the pics (products info just in English).
I'll add links to swatches as soon as I find them (this limited edition should be released around mid November - countries listed below).
So che di solito non pubblico le cartelle stampa della Catrice (anche perché da me si trovano con difficoltà, solo nel negozio Scarpe&Scarpe di un centro commerciale non vicinissimo, oppure sconfinando in Slovenia)...
Ma questa ha delle foto così carine, ho un debole per questo tipo di decorazioni, confesso!!!! Cartella stampa solo in inglese, link agli swatch smalti appena possibile (la collezione dovrebbe iniziare a uscire a metà Novembre)
Beauty Vernissage. The fascinating glamour of Art Nouveaux is celebrating an impressive comeback. Floral elements and elegant lace applications attract the attention of the front rows at the international fashion shows. Designers are placing great emphasis on a modern interpretation of slim silhouettes and ornamental prints. The Limited Edition “VIENNART” by CATRICE unites this trend in an artistic and extremely feminine beauty collection. From mid November to December 2014, various red nuances are combined with apricot. Mauve is contrasted with metallic lavender and modern gold as well as shimmering mother-of-pearl create glamorous highlights. The absolute must-haves of this collection are the Baked Eyeshadows with an intricate lace embossment, the Scented Powder in a decorative spray bottle and the silver pocket mirror. Fascinating Art Nouveau – by CATRICE.
This LE will be available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, The Netherlands, South Africa, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Lebanon, Yemen, Jordanian, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines, and Myanmar
VIENNART by CATRICE – Baked Eyeshadow
Artfully Decorated! The three limited Baked Eyeshadows ensure an expressive eye make-up style. The powder eyeshadows have a high pigmentation and guarantee intense colour-dispersion. Available in a choice of lavender, gold and mauve, the eyeshadows have a feminine lace embossment.
Available in C01 Pearly Plastering, C02 Stunning Stucco and C03 Lovely Lace
VIENNART by CATRICE – Shimmer Lip Colour
The Kiss. Pure pigments and finest shimmer particles are guaranteed to make your lips shine. The texture is pleasant and soft, and the elegant packaging with floral ornaments is an absolute eye-catcher. Soft nude, fresh apricot and dark bordeaux open up so many possibilities – from subtle daytime make-up to an elegant gala look.Available in C01 Nude Nouveau, C02 Klimt‘s Gentle Kiss and C03 Klimt’s Ardent Kiss.
VIENNART by CATRICE – Scented Powder
Creating Accents. The transparent, fragrant powder not only sets beautiful highlights on your face and neckline thanks to its subtle shimmer, it also gives your skin a wonderfully pleasant, floral scent. The decorative, round glass bottle with a balloon pump atomizer has a nostalgic charm and distributes a thin layer of powder on your skin. Truly a must-have product.
VIENNART by CATRICE – Powder Blush
Art Collection. The Powder Blush offers a touch of colour and an artistic embossment. Fresh apricot and light nude are united in an ornamental pattern and give your cheeks a radiant look.
Available in C01 Floral OrnARTment.
VIENNART by CATRICE – Ultimate Nail Lacquer
Lace Lacquer. Four nail polishes convince with ultimate colour, ultimate coverage and ultimate shine. The effects vary from colour to colour, and give the light mother-of-pearl, lavender, apricot and Bordeaux an individual character. The unique packaging stands out with its floral-ornamental print.
Available in C01 Pearlescent Purpose, C02 Vienna Rose Woods, C03 LilART Lily and C04 ARTful Red.

Reason to smile. The folding pocket mirror with a silver packaging belongs in every handbag. The symmetrical floral-ornamental pattern pays homeage to the Art Noveaux era. Ideal for a quick beauty-check when you’re out and about.
“VIENNART” by CATRICE will be available in stores from Mid November to December 2014.
Mi piacciono molto blush e specchietto (ho perso il mio specchietto da borsetta preferito, potrebbe essere un buon rimpiazzo, anche se il mio era quello della Shaka coi led..). Mi incuriosiscono anche gli smalti, ma vorrei vedere gli swatches prima.
RispondiEliminaDetto ciò, mi piace molto lo stile, un po' meno i colori che per me sono troppo nude/delicati. E comunque, cara Catrice, si scrive Art Nouveau, non Nouveaux.
Anch'io aspetto gli swatch degli smalti, soprattutto dell'ultimo a destra!!
EliminaOra che me l'hai fatto notare...l'han scritto perfino in due modi diversi nella presentazione :-0 Lo specchio è carino, purtroppo l'ho preso da poco e non me ne serve un altro!
A me piacciono lo specchietto e il rossetto più scuro. Evviva, potrò anche comprarli visto che li venderanno a 800 mt da casa mia! :-D
RispondiEliminaI rossetti sembrano shimmerosi...E beata te che hai Catrice a portata di mano, io devo solo sperare nella congiunzione astrale: trovarmi in un posto che li vende (paradossalmente più probabile Slovenia) E ci sia l'espositore che mi interessa ben fornito! Ogni tanto ho dei colpi di fortuna, ma non è detto che capiti sempre...
EliminaThe second lipstick is pretty as well as the fourth nail polish
RispondiEliminaCatrice is also hard to find in my region :(
I love the fourth polish, too! I'm really eager to see some swatches (and hope to find it in stores in case I like it).
EliminaI wonder why Essence and Catrice are distributed in such a different way :-(
The last two polishes look really good. I often wonder if we'll ever get Catrice over here. Hopefully one day! :-)
RispondiEliminaFingers crossed ;-)
EliminaChe bel packaging! mai provati smalti Catrice,sono come gli Essence? :)
RispondiEliminaNon ne ho provati tantissimi...Comunque secondo me sì, l'unica cosa che non mi piaceva era il pennello grossissimo, per fortuna nell'ultima LE che ho provato (Feathered Fall) è del tipo normale (proprio dritto)!
EliminaGrazie! Anch'io preferisco pennelli non esagerati :)
EliminaMi piace soprattutto lo specchietto, ma devo dire che tutta la collezione è carina. L'ispirazione viennese mi colpisce al cuore!
RispondiElimina:-) ho pensato a te (e alle unghie Klimt) quando ho letto i nomi dei rossetti!! Però mi sa che non sono proprio mat!
EliminaThey always do such nice designs on the polish bottles for their LEs. I keep hoping someday they will expand and sell here in the US.
RispondiEliminaI agree, sometimes I like more the design than the polish inside :-P
EliminaI hope that you will get Catrice too (anyway I don't know about Germany, but here in Italy this brand it's not as easy to find as Essence).